Welcome to the Devon Legion

Thank you for supporting The Royal Canadian Legion Devon Branch No.247, chartered on May 7th, 1949.

Join us for a St. Patricks Day Celebration with Voices of Legends, on March 15 at 7pm! Get your tickets in the lounge or ONLINE!

Executive Meetings start at 06:30 PM on the first Wednesday of each month year-round. 

General Meetings start at 7:00 PM on the third Thursday in January, March, May, September, October, and November (no General Meetings in the other months).

The next General Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 20, 2024, at 7:00 PM.

Don't forget that our Legion Hall is available to rent for your meetings, conferences, or special events. For information on hall rentals, please click here.

The Royal Canadian Legion's Mission Statement: "To serve Veterans, which includes serving military and RCMP members and their families; to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country".

The Royal Canadian Legion Vision Statement: "Our vision is to be the most highly respected Veteran and Community Service organization".